Welcome to the Oakville Vocal Arts Festival
Oakville had not had its own music festival for more than 50 years. In 2015, a group of Oakville teachers decided it was time to bring the music back home. From the start, the founders wanted to create something that was focused on the joy of singing, rather than competition. Thus began the Oakville Vocal Arts Festival.
Registration for the 2024 Festival is now open!
Entries must be received by October 30, 2024.
We are a not-for-profit organization that is run by a dedicated team of volunteers. Donations help keep the Festival running smoothly.
Contact Us
Do you have a question or feedback about the Festival? We'd love to hear from you.
Thank You
Thank you to the Oakville Arts Council for providing us with a cultural grant to help us continue to enrich the musical lives of our young musicians.

Hear from our parents, students and ajudicators.

The Oakville Vocal Arts Festival is one of my favourite festivals to participate in. I really enjoy getting the opportunity to perform and to get feedback from an adjudicator without feeling pressure to get first, second, or third. Having a non-competitive festival really changes the overall atmosphere of the performance room. I find that everyone who is performing is much friendlier and supportive of one another, when they don’t have the thoughts of whether or not they will place over their heads.
This festival is one of the best because it promotes the sharing of music, for the love of music, and not for the need of competition. It is inclusive of everyone and provides a safe and welcoming environment for people to grow as musicians.
Natasha, Festival Participant
This festival has to be one of the strongest festival I have ever adjudicated. The teaching and performing is at a very high level. Adjudicating the entire festival by just having to give a standing of bronze, silver or gold makes it so much easier for the adjudicator when you hear so many beautiful voices in one class and you don’t have to choose just one winner but you can reward many singers for their hard work and accomplishments. The participants looked extremely happy with the feedback and less preoccupied with a mark. I love it and think we should do this at all festival where music and performing is so subjective. Music needs to be fun, encouraging and educational and this festival has certainly created this environment. Congratulations OVAF.
Thank you again for inviting me. I wish you a wonderful week next week of more beautiful singing. I hope that I can return in the near future.
Monette Gould, Adjudicator
I got to sing with joy from my heart instead of worrying about whether I would win or not. It was a lot less stressful.
12-Year-Old Participant, 2015
I like that it wasn’t about first, second and third … the comments were more important.
10-Year-Old Participant, 2015
Our children have participated in numerous festivals over the past 10 years. By far, the best experience we have ever had, was this past year in the Oakville Vocal Arts Festival. It was easy to register, the venues were great and the adjudicator was terrific. But for us, the best part was the experience for our daughter. It was a learning experience for all the participants, rather than just a competition to see who was the best. We will definitely be participating again this year.
Ann, Parent